You’ve been diagnosed with cancer.

What can YOU control?

If you identify with any of the following statements, we are here to empower you:

  • I feel tired or fatigued.
  • I feel weaker since starting treatment.
  • I feel anxious or depressed.
  • I am experiencing weight gain or weight loss.
  • My quality of life has been impacted.
  • I am motivated to change my lifestyle but need some direction.

Move Through Cancer

Movement is of paramount importance in the treatment of cancer. Scientific studies consistently demonstrate unprecedented benefits of movement throughout the cancer care continuum. There is no medicine or other medical therapy that can provide the benefits achieved from consistent movement. Cancer patients who Move Through Cancer not only have a significantly better life, they have a longer life. Self-empowerment promoted through movement generates a renewed hope now and for the future..

You have cancer. Hearing those words from a doctor is life changing. The prospect of enduring cancer treatment, its associated side effects, and the uncertainty of the outcome is overwhelming.

The Endorphasm Foundation is unique in providing cancer patients with immediate help wherever they are in their cancer treatment experience.

We have witnessed that movement delivers unprecedented and immediate benefits to cancer patients both emotionally and physically. Our programs are free of charge to the patient eliminating cost as a barrier to movement.

CETI Certified Cancer Exercise Specialists work directly with each individual to prescribe appropriate movements based on their diagnosis and physical capabilities. Movement prescriptions include aerobic, resistance training, and core strengthening along with upper and lower body stretching techniques.

To join The Endorphasm Foundation, you must obtain your physicians consent (please print and complete all forms). All patients are eligible regardless of type or stage of cancer, degree of disability, current stage of cancer care, or any other co-morbidity conditions with their doctors consent.

You may also contact us for any questions on how to join The Endorphasm Foundation’s Programs.

Don’t worry about your current fitness level, we will meet you where you are and actively help you get to where you desire to be. You will be given proper instruction on form, intensity, and repetitions of your movements. Remember, the movements will all be appropriate for your cancer diagnosis, current treatment related symptoms, and present physical ability. Many of the program components can also be adapted for use at home.

Please bring the following items for your first visit:

  • Completed Forms or have them emailed by your doctor
  • Water and a Towel
  • Comfortable clothes and shoes for movement